Archive | VMworld

vmware barcelona 2015

VMworld Barcelona – Where I will be

A few people have contacted me on twitter recently asking what sessions I am presenting at VMworld Barcelona 2015. This post is to provide a quick list of the sessions, and date and times of those sessions. Before we get into what where and when my sessions will be though. Lets have a quick re-cap on some of the things that happened at VMworld 2015 USA. Also watch a re-cap with Jay Marshall (who forgets he no longer works at VMware) and Gary Coburn talking about the Google vCloud Air partnership. and of course, no vCloud Air recap would be great without George Kobar having an appearance.  Watch George talk about Microsoft Sharepoint on vCloud Air. Here is my list of sessions: Session Number Session Title Abstract Date/Time EXPERT SESSION Disaster Recovery and Object Storage with Expert – David Hill Meet the experts session.  Come along and talk about vCloud […]

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public speaking tips

Public Speaking Tips at IT Conferences

Recently I was asked by my manager to think about how I go about presenting at IT conferences.  I’ve now been presenting at IT conferences like VMworld and EMC world for the past five years and have seen my speaker scores steadily improve.  For me personally this has been the greatest achievement of my career so far, becoming a comfortable public speaker and learning how to present not only content, but make it interesting for the audience. First I wanted to start with a little history on my public speaking.  This is by far the most nerve racking thing I have EVER done in my life, and on this first day I would have done anything to get out of presenting a session. It is said that the fear of public speaking is a fear greater than death for most people. – Robert T. Kiyosaki I can certainly agree with […]

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VMworld 2015 must see sessions

Wow!  Its that time again already! (Although I am late publishing this)!! The VMworld 2015 content catalog has been released.  Its going to be a busy one again for me this year for sure! VMworld is a great time to learn some really cool stuff, and I always check the schedule to see what sessions I find interesting, not just on cloud, but on virtualization in general. See the list below for my must see VMworld sessions. I also thought I would list out my sessions so that anyone wanting to come find out more about vCloud Air can easily find the sessions. Its going to be another awesome VMworld, and feel free to come and see me at the end of any sessioins.  I am always available for a chat. VMworld 2015 Must See Sessions: Session Number Session Title Abstract Presenters Date/Time STO5333 Building a Strecthed Cluster with Virtual […]

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Test Dev Environment

Hybrid Sandboxing – Create the Ultimate Test Dev Environment

Last week I published some of the VMworld vCloud Air sessions that were released on YouTube.  You can watch all the VMworld vCloud Air sessions by clicking here. However, I have just found out that my favourite session from VMworld has just been released on YouTube.  This session is all about how to create the easiest, simplest and best Test Dev Environment. Jay Marshall and Roshni Pary presented this session, and its fantastic.  Its full of cool demo’s and real world examples on how you can build a really great Test/Dev environment. The abstract for this session instantly gets me interested in this session: The ability to do test/dev and sandboxing projects on throwaway cloud resources is well known. But the ability to add cloud to your existing software development lifecycle and application architectures that you currently deploy on premise is a game changer. This is the reality of the […]

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VMworld vCloud Air Sessions

VMworld vCloud Air sessions on YouTube

These have been made available back in September, but I wanted to share with everyone the two VMware VMworld vCloud Air sessions that have been posted on the internet. While I am out in Macau in Asia presenting Tech Summit quite a few people have asked how they can view the VMworld sessions without a VMworld account.  VMworld publish the top 10 sessions of the day on YouTube, so if you couldn’t attend VMworld and don’t have an account, you can still watch the top 10 sessions. VMworld vCloud Air sessions The first one published is session HBC2068 – vCloud Air Networking Technical Deep Dive This is presented by Ninad Desai (Networking Product Manager) and myself. The Second Session is HBC1533 – How to build a Hybrid Cloud – Steps to extend your Data Center This is presented by Chris Colotti (Principal Technical Marketing Architect) and myself Eric Sloof has […]

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