- *. (Star dot) : See *Cat.
- *Access : Allowed one to change file attributes such as read-only, undeletable, etc.
- *AddApp : Adds a user-specified program to Resources:$.Apps, the ‘Apps’ folder on the icon bar.
- *AddFS : Adds a remote file server’s disc to the list of known discs by NetFS.
- *AddTinyDir : Adds a specified file, program or folder to the icon bar.
- *ADFS : Selects the Advanced Disc Filing System as the current filesystem.
- *Alias : Creates an alias to a command.
- *Alphabet : Either displays the current keyboard layout, or lets you change it.
- *Append : Opens a file, so that data may be added to the end of it.
- *AppSize : Changes a program’s memory allocation.
- *Audio : Starts or stops the sound system.
- *Back : Move back one level in the current filesystem.
- *BackDrop : Places a sprite on the pinboard as a wallpaper, or adjusts it.
- *Backup : Copies the used part of one floppy disk to another.
- *BASIC : Starts BBC BASIC V .
- *BASIC64 : Starts BASIC VI (provided the module has been loaded).
- *BlankTime : Sets the time (in seconds) until the screen blanks (a la the Windows “Blank Screen” screensaver)
- *BreakClr : Removes a breakpoint at a specified address, or removes all of them if none specified. Fun.
- *BreakList : Lists all set breakpoints.
- *BreakSet : Sets a breakpoint at a specified address.
- *Build : Opens a new file and directs to it all input received.
- *Bye : Ends a filesystem session by closing files and unsetting all libraries. A nice fun command.
- *Cache : Turns on/off the cache.
- *Cat : Lists the contents of the current directory.
- *CDDevices : Lists all CD-ROM drives connected to the system.
- *CDFS : Starts the Compact Disc Filing System.
- *CDir : Creates a folder of given name, and, under NetFS, a given size.
- *CDSpeed : Reports read speeds of all connected CD-ROM drives.
- *ChangeDynamicArea : Changes the size of the RAM Disk, font cache or system sprite area.
- *ChannelVoice : Assigns a voice to a channel, ’nuff said. (The number of available voices can be expanded using the BASIC “voices” command)
- *CheckMap : Analyses an E or F format diskc, checking checksums and the directory tree are correct.
- *Close : Closes all open files.
- *ColourTrans... : For internal usage only. Do not use them.
- *Compact : Re-arranges files on a disk to increase available space.
- *Configure : Sets an internal CMOS option to a specified value.
- *Continue : Resumes from a breakpoint, using the saved state.
- *Copy : Copies a file from one directory to another.
- *CopyBoot : Copies the boot block from a DOS-format disc over another.
- *Count : Gives a total size of the data in specified files.
- *Countries : Lists all supported keyboard sets.
- *Country : See *Alphabet.
- *Create : Reserves space for a new file.
- *Debug : Enters the debugger.
- *Defect : Reports bad sectors on disk.
- *Delete : Erases either a file or an empty folder.
- *Desktop : Starts the WIMP. Cannot be used if the WIMP is still active.
- *Desktop_... : For internal use only. Do not use, with the exception of…
- *Destop_SetPalette : A now obsolete command. Has no effect whatsoever.
- *Dir : Sets a directory (usually $) as the active directory.
- *Dismount : Closes all active files, closes open libraries, and forgets the disc name of the specified disc. Ensures it is safe to remove said disc.
- *Do : Passes a command to the CLI.
- *DOSMap : Shows mapping between DOS 3-letter extensions and RISC OS types.
- *Drive : Sets current drive, if NoDir is set.
- *Dump : Displays a file in hexadecimal or ASCII.
- *Echo : Displays a string on-screen.
- *Eject : Ejects a CD from the CD-ROM drive specified, or current if none given.
- *Enumdir : Creates a file of object leafnames from a directory that match the wildcarded pattern.
- *Error : Causes an error (specified by error number) and displays error number and text. Good for a laugh.
- *Eval : Evaluates the expression given.
- *Ex : Same as *Cat, but also gives their corresponding file information.
- *Exec : Tells the OS to take input from a specified file, or close the current exec file.
- *FileInfo : Gives full information about a file.
- *FilerAction : Begins a filer action. Intended for use only by applications.
- *Filters : Lists all currently active pre- and post-Wimp_Poll filters.
- *FontCat : Lists all available fonts.
- *FontInstall : Adds a directory to those scanned for fonts.
- *FontLibrary : Sets a directory as the font library.
- *FontList : Lists all fonts in the font cache.
- *FontMerge : Merges fonts into the existing !Fonts directory.
- *FontRemove : Removes directories from the list of those scanned for fonts.
- *Format : Formats a disc (in either RISC OS, Arthur, Generic ADFS, MS-DOS, or Atari format)
- *Free : Displays free space on a disc.
- *FS : Selects the current file server.
- *FS_... : Changes passwords, locks or unlocks, or displays a computer’s lock status.
- *FwShow : Ddisplays all currently known Freeway objects.
- *FX : Calls OS_Byte to alter status variables, and to perform other closely related actions.
- *Go : Calls machine code at the given address.
- *GOS : Calls command line mode – in other words, allows you to enter star commands.
- *I am : Selects NetFS and logs you on to a file server. (Your user name and password are checked by the file server against the password file before allowing you access)
- *IconSprites : Merges a file’s sprites with those in the WIMP sprite area.
- *If : Conditionally executes a star command.
- *IfThere : Looks for the presence of a given object, and executes one command if it exists (or another if it does not).
- *Ignore : Sets the printer ignore character.
- *InetChecksum : Another ‘internal use only’ command. Don’t use it, please.
- *InetGateway : Can be used to turn IP layer packet forwarding on or off.
- *InetInfo : Displays information and stats about the current state of the Internet module.
- *Info : Displays file information for the specified object.
- *InitStore : Fills user memory with the specified value or register value.
- *LCat : Lists all contents in a named library or the current one if none specified.
- *LEx : Same as *LCat, but lists file information as well.
- *Lib : Selects a directory to be the filesystem’s library directory.
- *List : Lists the contents of a file, each line being numbered. Very useful for BASIC programs.
- *ListFS : Lists file servers.
- *ListPS : Lists print servers.
- *Load : Loads a file.
- *LoadCMOS : Loads a file into the computer’s CMOS RAM.
- *LoadFontCache : For internal use only, don’t mess.
- *LoadModeFile : Makes available all screen modes listed in the file.
- *Lock : Locks the CD-ROM drive, preventing the eject command from functioning.
- *Logon : Logs you into a file server.
- *Map : Displays a disk’s free space map.
- *Memory : Displays the values in memory.
- *MemoryA : Displays and alters values in memory.
- *MemoryI : Disassembles memory into ARM instructions.
- *ModelList : Displays available colour models.
- *Modules : Displays info about all installed relocatable modules.
- *Mount : Readies a disk for use by setting the current directory to root, and setting the library directory.
- *NameDisc : Gives a disc a name.
- *NameDisk : Same as *NameDisc
- *Net : Selects the Network Filing System as the current filesystem.
- *Netmap : Displays the current AUN map table either for the specified net, or for all nets if no parameter is specified.
- *NetProbe : Checks if a workstation is accessible and active.
- *NetStat : Gives the current status of a network interface.
- *Networks : Displays the current AUN routing table. This shows the names of any local networks, plus others it knows how to reach.
- *NoDir : Unsets the current directory.
- *NoLib : Unsets the library directory.
- *NoURD : Unsets the URD (User Root Directory).
- *Obey : Executes a file of star commands.
- *Opt 1 : Sets the filesystem message level.
- *Opt 4 : Sets the boot action for the current filesystem.
- *Pass : Allows you to set or change a file server password.
- *Path : Allows you to set path variables.
- *PathMacro : Allows you to set a path variable as a macro.
- *Pin : Places a file on the desktop pinboard.
- *Pinboard : Re-loads the pinboard, removing anything placed on there.
- *PipeCopy : Copys a file to one or more output files.
- *Play : Plays the specified track on an audio CD.
- *PlayList : Shows all tracks (data and audio) on a CD, with start and end times.
- *PlayMSF : Plays audio from the CD, from given start and stop times.
- *PoduleLoad : Copies a file into an expansion card‘s RAM.
- *Podules: : Lists all available expansion cards.
- *PoduleSave : Copies data from an expansion card’s RAM to a file.
- *Pointer : Turns the mouse pointer on or off.
- *Print : Prints the content of a file to the display.
- *PS : Changes the print server.
- *RAM : Starts the RAM Filing System.
- *Remove : Same as *Delete. Will not give an error message if the file/directory does not exist.
- *RemoveTinyDir : Removes an item from a TinyDir on the icon bar. If none exists, removes the TinyDir.
- *Rename : Changes the name of an object.
- *Render : Displays the contents of a file made with !Draw.
- *Repeat : Scans a directory and applies a command to everything it finds.
- *ResourceFS : Selects the Resource Filing System.
- *RMClear : Deletes all relocatable modules from the module area. Be VERY careful – this command is uber-powerful.
- *RMEnsure : Checks for the presence of a module.
- *RMFaster> : Moves a module from ROM to RAM.
- *RMInsert : Reverses the action of a previous *Unplug command.
- *RMKill : Deactivates and deletes a relocatable module. Be VERY careful – another overpowered star command.
- *RMLoad : Loads and initialises a relocatable module.
- *RMReInit : Reinitialises a relocatable module, reversing the action of any previous *RMKill or *Unplug command. Powerful? Yup.
- *RMRun : Runs a relocatable module.
- *RMTidy : An obsolete command; has no function.
- *ROMModules : Shows information about all relocatable modules active.
- *Run : Loads, then runs a program.
- *SafeLogon : Checks if a user is already logged on. If not, logs onto the file server using *Logon.
- *Save : Saves a given area of memory to file.
- *SaveFontCache : For internal use only. Do not use.
- *SChoose : Selects a sprite from the system sprite area for use in subsequent sprite plotting operations.
- *SCopy : Makes a copy of a sprite within the system sprite area.
- *ScreenLoad : Loads a sprite file into the graphics area.
- *SpriteSave : Saves the graphics area to a sprite file.
- *SpriteDelete : Deletes a sprite from the system sprite area.
- *SDisc : Selects a disc from the current file server by setting the current directory, the library directory and the URD.
- *Set : Assigns a string value to a system variable.
- *SetEval : Evaluates an expression, then *Sets it.
- *SetMacro : Assigns an expression to a system variable. The expression is evaluated each time the variable is used.
- *SetPS : Sets the print server.
- *SetType : THE command. Changes a file’s type from one to another.
- *SetFlipX/Y : Flips a sprite horizontally or vertically.
- *SGet : Gets a sprite from a rectangular area of the desktop.
- *Shadow : Sets which bank of screen memory is used on subsequent mode changes.
- *Share : Makes a local directory a shared disc.
- *ShareFS : Starts the Shared Filing System.
- *ShareFSIcon : Places a shared disc onto the icon bar.
- *ShareFSWindow : Changes the size of the ShareFS transmission window.
- *Shares : Lists all active shares.
- *ShellCLI : Invokes a command as a WIMP task.
- *ShellCLITask : Intended for use only from within an application.
- *ShellCLITaskQuit : Intended for use only from within an application.
- *Show : Displays all information on system variables.
- *ShowFree : Displays free space on a device within a window.
- *ShowRegs : Displays the register contents for a saved state.
- *Shut : Closes all open files and directories on all filesystems.
- *ShutDown : CLoses all open files, logs off NFS servers, parks drive heads.
- *SInfo : Displays info on the system sprite workspace.
- *SList : Lists all sprites in the system sprite area.
- *SLoad : Loads a sprite into the system sprite area.
- *SMerge : Merges a file’s sprites into the system sprite area.
- *SNew : Clears the system sprite area.
- *Sound : Generates a system beep.
- *Speaker : Supposedly turns the internal speaker on or off; actually does nothing.
- *Spool : Sends everything on-screen to a file.
- *SpoonOn : Sends everything on-screen to the end of an existing file.
- *SRename : Renames a sprite window within the system sprite area.
- *SSave : Saves everything within the system sprite area to a sprite file.
- *Stamp : Timestamps a file with today’s data and time.
- *Status : Gives the value of a configuration option within CMOS RAM.
- *Stereo : Sets the position in the stereo image of a sound channel.
- *Stop : Stops playing the CD in the CD-ROM drive specified.
- *Supported : Lists drive types supported by CDFS.
- *TaskWindow : Starts a new task, in a window if input is required or output needed.
- *Tempo : Sets the tempo for system sounds.
- *Territories : Lists supported territories.
- *Time : Shows the current system date and time.
- *ToolSprites : Merges the sprites in a file with those in the WIMP‘s pool of border sprites (used to redraw window borders).
- *Tuning : Adjusts the internal sound’s tuning.
- *TV : Adjusts vertical alignment and interlace.
- *Type : Shows the contents of a specified file.
- *UnAlias : Removes a previously set Alias.
- *Unlock : Removes the lock on a CD-ROM drive’s Eject burron.
- *Unplug : Kills and disables all copies of a ROM resident module.
- *Unset : Deletes a system variable.
- *UnShare : Stops a directory acting as a shared disc.
- *Up : Moves up one level in the directory tree.
- *URD : Sets the URD (User Root Directory).
- *Verify : Checks a whole disc is readable.
- *VIDCBandWidthLimit : For internal use only – don’t use.
- *Voices : Lists all installed voices.
- *Volume : Sets internal volume.
- *WhichDisc : Shows the unique ID number of the CD in a CD-ROM drive.
- *WimpKillSprite : Removes a sprite from the sprite area.
- *WimpMode : Changes the display mode used by the WIMP.
- *WimpPalette : Loads a WIMP Palette file.
- *WimpSlot : Changes the memory allocation for the current and (optionally) the next WIMP task.
- *WimpTask : Starts a task within a task.
- *WimpWriteDir : Sets the direction of text entry for writable icons.
- *Wipe : Deletes one or more items specified by a wildcard.