Author Archive | David Hill


Using Check Point WAFaaS with WordPress

Recently having joined Check Point as a Cloud Product Manager, I thought it was about time I started to eat my own Dog Food.  For those who have followed me, or read my blog over the years, know I am a big believer in eating my own dog food.  Not only is it a good way to learn the products you are working with, but it is a great way to understand the capabilities (and pain points) when you use it with your own services.  So with that in mind, I decided to try out Check Point Web Application Firewall as a Service (WAFaaS) offering, and use it to provide better protection for my WordPress blog.  So if your successfully reading this article, it clearly works 😀 Lets start by understand what the Check Point WAFaaS is, and why it is a good offering for my WordPress deployment. What Does […]

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Heading back to Vendor Land

Well… after a bit of time away and a nice sabbatical from social media it is now time for my return. Where do I start?  Post Covid has certainly been an interesting time in my life.  Divorce, custody battles which I won, trying to keep my kids on track, and leaving Veeam after it all just became to much to deal with all at once, I decided to take some time off work completely.  That is completely no work, not looking for work, and just focus on my kids.  I decided to go back to the UK for a while and spend time with my family, with my kids.  It was fun, I needed the break, and my kids benefited massively from having me fully present, without hearing the words, Daddy has a call, I will be free in an hour. Fast forward 12 months, and I decided to take […]

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veeam backup for aws

Quick look at the new dashboard in Veeam Backup for AWS

Recently Veeam released version 5 of Veeam Backup for AWS.  In this new release a number of enhancements and capabilities can be found. For those that have not seen all the key new capabilities, a blog detailing all these announcements can be read here. Today I want to focus on is a completely redesigned dashboard.  This new dashboard provides a lot of easy to see information about what is happening in the environment immediately, making it easy to understand what is happening, spot any errors, and just have a general easy to see oversight of everything you are protecting in the AWS cloud. First, lets take a look at the new dashboard: As you can see from the screenshot above, the dashboard provides a lot of key information to provide understanding to key areas of your data protection solution in AWS.  Each area provides the capabilities to drill further into […]

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veeam backup for aws

Using AWS tags to automate your backups with Veeam Backup for AWS

Over the past few weeks and months, I have been having a lot of conversations with people about automation and the use of tags within AWS. Tags within AWS are nothing new, and AWS provides a vast amount of information on how to use them. First of all lets think of a use case for AWS tags. Backups are a good use case. You can easily apply an AWS tag to an EC2 instance so that you know whether this should be part of a backup policy or not. For example, you can create a simple tag called backup and have true or false as the value. AWS has a number of documents that are really helpful to understand what tags are and how they can be used. I have listed two of my favourites here: Tagging your EC2 resources AWS Tagging strategies With the recent release of Veeam Backup […]

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veeam backup for aws

Technical look at Veeam Backup for AWS

Recently Veeam announced Veeam Backup for AWS. This is a brand-new product bringing enterprise class backup protection to the AWS public cloud. I wrote an article on describing some of the details this product brings but wanted to dive in deeper through this blog. Veeam Backup for AWS brings enterprise class capabilities to Amazon AWS EC2 to protect instance-based workloads. With Veeam Backup for AWS you can store your Amazon AWS EC2 backups in Amazon S3 object storage and restore to any Amazon AWS EC2 region. Veeam Backup for AWS has several features and capabilities: Native backup and restore for Amazon EC2 instances In-place and Out-of-Place restores Granular File Level Restore Long term data retention with Amazon S3 Cloud Native Backup Automates Amazon EBS snapshots for frequent backup and fast restores Policy based protection Deployed from Amazon Marketplace to provide simple web-based management UI Cost Effective Built in cost […]

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