This site hasn’t really been hacked, it is however a great video to watch and is designed to promote the VMworld VMware Code Hackathon in Barcelona 2016 VMWORLD VMWARE CODE HACKATHON TO HIT BARCELONA 2016 Alan Renouf has written an indepth blog article on this project. If your interested follow this link and sign up today: VMworld USA was the Hackathon, basically 5 teams of developers and scripters, who had mainly never met each other before were formed and took part in a Hackathon organized by myself, William Lam and the VMware Code team. These dedicated coders gave up free vendor meals and alcohol (OK well maybe we provided both as well) to essentially come code with us on 5 Intel NUC units we had pre-built with vCenter/ESX and VSAN. The people who were involved ranged from people just learning to coding ninjas and API experts, that’s what I […]