Archive | VMworld


Getting Started with VMware Cloud Provider Program (Technical Tips and Tricks) – LHC1661BU – VMworld session

Enterprises globally are enthusiastically embracing the hybrid cloud as both a way of reducing costs and improving the quality of service IT provides to its end customers. To achieve this, enterprises are looking to VMware and the VMware Cloud Provider Program to help them run in a hybrid cloud model. Participants in this session will leave with a technical understanding of how to leverage the hybrid cloud to gain benefits of geographic diversity and agile scaling for growth, while continuing to use the tools they have already invested in.

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vmworld vbrownbag

VMworld vBrownBag – Building a cloud solution

“Service Providers globally are enthusiastically embracing hybrid cloud as both a way of reducing costs and improving the quality of service they provide to end customers. To achieve this, Service Providers are looking to VMware vCloud Air Network and Veeam to help them build a scalable cost-effective cloud solution. In this session, we will get into the details of the technology. We’ll focus on how these solutions are architected and what that implies in real-life implementations. A participant in this session will leave with a technical understanding of how to leverage technology from Veeam and VMware to provide a successful cloud-based storage service.”

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VMware vCloud Air VMworld sessions

VMware vCloud Air VMworld sessions available

VMware vCloud Air VMworld sessions available Now that VMworld has passed, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share the presentations that I gave. VMworld was incredibily busy time again this year, and the interest in VMwares’ vCloud Air continues to grow. Throughtout my time presenting and attending VMworld, it is interesting to see how the cloud interest has grown over the past 7 years. People are no longer only interested in private clouds, they also want to leverage the public cloud to help ease the pressures on the current on-premises infrastructure. One of my sessions talked exactly about that, the journey to cloud, and how there is a lot of similarities between the virtualization journey and the cloud journey. [slideshare id=65930952&doc=hbc9363-spereira-hbc9363-shillfinal-160912114057] This session was my particular favourite to present this year. I was honoured to be asked to present the vCloud Air Spotlight session. You can watch […]

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VMware vCloud Air VMworld sessions

VMworld 2016 – where will I be?

Wow!  Its that time again already!  The VMworld 2016 content catalog has been released.  Its going to be a busy one for me this year for sure! I hope you find these interesting, and come along. Group Discussion Dsiaster Recovery, Business Continuity and Object Storage in the Cloud David Hill Simon Momber Monday 2.00pm – 3.00pm Breakout Virtualization 2.0: How the Cloud is Evloving the Modern Data Center David Hill Tuesday 1.00pm – 2.00pm Breakout vCloud Air Recovery as a Service (RaaS) Deep Dive David Hill Tuesday 4.00pm – 5.00pm Quick Talk Backups to the Cloud – Leverage the cloud for Business Continiuty David Hill Rick Vanover (Veeam) Sunday 4.00pm – 4.30pm Quick Talk Top tips for moving to the Cloud David Hill George Kobar (Trace3) Sunday 2.00pm – 2.30pm

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