Hybrid Sandboxing – Create the Ultimate Test Dev Environment

Test Dev Environment

Last week I published some of the VMworld vCloud Air sessions that were released on YouTube.  You can watch all the VMworld vCloud Air sessions by clicking here.

However, I have just found out that my favourite session from VMworld has just been released on YouTube.  This session is all about how to create the easiest, simplest and best Test Dev Environment.

Jay Marshall and Roshni Pary presented this session, and its fantastic.  Its full of cool demo’s and real world examples on how you can build a really great Test/Dev environment.

The abstract for this session instantly gets me interested in this session:

The ability to do test/dev and sandboxing projects on throwaway cloud resources is well known. But the ability to add cloud to your existing software development lifecycle and application architectures that you currently deploy on premise is a game changer. This is the reality of the enterprise. And these are the things that people now realize is possible only in a true hybrid model. In this session, we will look at four different models for using vCloud Hybrid Service as the ultimate landing spot for your test/dev workloads. From legacy packaged applications to custom developed next generation applications, vCloud Hybrid Service gives you all of the stability and necessary control over the application infrastructure, while still getting all of the agility and “on demand” processing that the cloud brings. Attendees will walk away with a solid grasp on how to implement a hybrid cloud into their existing environment to augment their application deployment needs.

I would also watch out for a really cool demo, although there is a piece where a rogue VM takes over.

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  1. Newsletter: January 17, 2014 | Notes from MWhite - January 17, 2015

    […] interesting approach and one that I think many might find […]

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