veeam backup for aws

Veeam Backup for AWS File Level Recovery

Recently Veeam launched a new product called Veeam Backup for AWS. Veeam Backup for AWS brings enterprise class capabilities to Amazon AWS EC2 to protect instance-based workloads. With Veeam Backup for AWS you can store your Amazon AWS EC2 backups in Amazon S3 object storage and restore to any Amazon AWS EC2 region. Veeam Backup for AWS has several features and capabilities: Native backup and restore for Amazon EC2 instancesIn-place and Out-of-Place restoresGranular File Level RecoveryLong term data retention with Amazon S3 As mentioned, one of the key capabilities is File Level Recovery. I recently published a quick demo on YouTube showing how this works and I wanted to share this here. For more information on Veeam Backup for AWS visit

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tech field day 20

Watch Veeam talk at Tech Field Day 20

On November 13th 2019 at 10am Pacific Time, Veeam Software will be showcasing its latest flagship products to the Tech Field Day delegates.  This is an exciting time for Veeam with the upcoming release of Veeam Backup and Replication v10, and consequently have some exciting new capabilities to show to the delegates and the wider audience. During the two-hour session, Anthony Spiteri, Michael Cade and Rick Vanover will discuss key capabilities around advanced NAS integration, instant VM restore, continuous data protection and other great capabilities and features. Tech Field Day bring together innovative IT product vendors and independent thought leaders to share information and opinions in a presentation and discussion format. Independent bloggers, speakers, freelance writers, and podcasters have a public presence that has immense influence on the ways that products and companies are perceived by IT practitioners. This is a truly unique experience and Tech Field Day has brought […]

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Kubernetes backups with Kasten K10 platform

The Kubernetes world has exploded!  Its all you hear about now, Kubernetes, Kubernetes, Kubernetes!  VMware acquired Heptio, launched Project Pacific (see Anthony Spiteri’s blog), NetApp announced Application Lifecycle Management for Kubernetes, AWS has EKS, Azure has AKS, Google Cloud Platform has GKE (they invented the thing!) everyone is announcing something somewhere.  As this demand grows, the need for backing up and protecting these workloads is ever increasing.  More and more Kubernetes workloads are becoming stateful, in-fact I wrote a blog article during my day job about just this – Stateful containers in production, is this a thing?  Recently I came across a great company called Kasten.  They offer native integration with Kubernetes to backup and restore any Kubernetes workloads.  They have some really cool features including cross platform migrations.  I thought it would be great to dig into this and take a look: First, let’s take a look at the […]

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How to backup Kubernetes Master Node configuration

As the use of Kubernetes grows significantly in production environments, backing up the configuration of these clusters is becoming ever more critical.  In previous blogs we have talked about the difference between stateful and stateless workloads, but this blog is focusing on backing up the cluster config, not the workloads. When running a Kubernetes cluster in an environment the Kubernetes Master node contains all the configuration data including items like worker nodes, application configurations, network settings and more.  This data is critical to restore in the event of a failure of the master node. For us to understand what we need to backup, first we need to understand what components Kubernetes needs to operate. In Kubernetes the etcd is one of the key components.  etcd is used as Kubernetes’ backing store. All cluster data is stored here.  Etcd is an open-source key value store and is used for persistent storage […]

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veeamon2019 recap

VeeamON 2019 Recap

Last week Veeam held its annual conference VeeamON in Miami at the FountainBlue Hotel! And what a venue it was.  This has to be the nicest venue I have attended a conference in. The event opened with the General Session with Ratmir Timashev announcing Veeam has become a $1billion software company!  What an achievement for a company started just over 10 years ago.  Ratmir talks about how sucesful Veeam has become and how that was Act 1.  Moving forward with Act 2, Veeam is focused on becoming the #1 Cloud Data Management Platform.  This is an important step in helping customers manage and secure data in a Multi Cloud World. After the General Session, later on in the day, Danny Allan kicked off the Technical Keynote.  Anthony Spiteri has written a nice recap blog on this session, check it out here. Anthony kindly broke down the key times in the […]

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