Next week is Cloud Field Day 5 and Veeam will be presenting. This is an exciting time for Veeam as the cloud portfolio grows and the integration of the data management platform increases. With the world going all in on cloud, Veeam will be present to showcase the growing integration points across the mega clouds while still maintaining the industry best practice of the 3-2-1 rule.
I am personally looking forward to this event. It will be my first Tech/Cloud Field Day I have presented at. While Rickatron is a tech field day alumni its not something I have been involved with much over my career. This is all about to change.
Veeam at Tech Field Day Cloud 5
The full details of the event can be found above along with the list of delegates who will be attending. The event will be live streamed. Watch out next week for a live stream link being shared on social media and the blog.
So what is Tech Field Day and Cloud Field Day all about?
Our Field Day events bring together innovative IT product vendors and independent thought leaders to share information and opinions in a presentation and discussion format. Independent bloggers, speakers, freelance writers, and podcasters have a public presence that has immense influence on the ways that products and companies are perceived by IT practitioners.
Veeam are presenting at 8.30am Wednesday 10th April 2019
Cloud, Cloud and Cloud. Want to know more, watch the live stream 🙂
See you all next week online, on Facebook and in person.
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