A couple of days ago PowerCLI 5.0.1 was released. I am quite excited about this release, it contains Powershell Cmdlets for managing VMware vCloud Director.
You can now use the following cmdlets in conjunction with vCloud Director
Name | Synopsis |
Connect-CIServer | Connects to the specified servers. |
Disconnect-CIServer | Disconnects from the specified cloud servers. |
Get-Catalog | Retrieves the specified cloud catalogs. |
Get-CIRole | Retrieves roles in the cloud. |
Get-CIUser | Gets cloud users. |
Get-CIVApp | Retrieves virtual appliances in the cloud. |
Get-CIVAppTemplate | Retrieves virtual appliance templates. |
Get-CIView | Returns cloud views by Id. |
Get-CIVM | Retrieves the virtual machines on the cloud. |
Get-ExternalNetwork | Retrieves cloud external networks. |
Get-Media | Retrieves cloud medias. |
Get-Org | Gets cloud organizations. |
Get-OrgNetwork | Retrieves cloud organization networks. |
Get-OrgVdc | Retrieves organization VDCs. |
Get-ProviderVdc | Retrieves the specified cloud provider VDCs. |
Import-CIVApp | Imports a virtual machine from vSphere to a cloud. |
Import-CIVAppTemplate | Imports a virtual machine or an OVF package from a vSphere server to the vCloud as a virtual appliance template. |
Search-Cloud | Searches the cloud for objects of the specified type. |
To download PowerCLI 5.0.1 click here
Further information can be found by clicking here or visit virtu-al.net
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