A couple of days ago PowerCLI 5.0.1 was released. I am quite excited about this release, it contains Powershell Cmdlets for managing VMware vCloud Director. You can now use the following cmdlets in conjunction with vCloud Director Name Synopsis Connect-CIServer Connects to the specified servers. Disconnect-CIServer Disconnects from the specified cloud servers. Get-Catalog Retrieves the specified cloud catalogs. Get-CIRole Retrieves roles in the cloud. Get-CIUser Gets cloud users. Get-CIVApp Retrieves virtual appliances in the cloud. Get-CIVAppTemplate Retrieves virtual appliance templates. Get-CIView Returns cloud views by Id. Get-CIVM Retrieves the virtual machines on the cloud. Get-ExternalNetwork Retrieves cloud external networks. Get-Media Retrieves cloud medias. Get-Org Gets cloud organizations. Get-OrgNetwork Retrieves cloud organization networks. Get-OrgVdc Retrieves organization VDCs. Get-ProviderVdc Retrieves the specified cloud provider VDCs. Import-CIVApp Imports a virtual machine from vSphere to a cloud. Import-CIVAppTemplate Imports a virtual machine or an OVF package from a vSphere server to the vCloud as […]
Tag Archives | powershell

PowerCLI for vCloud Director – Have your say !
PowerCLI for vCloud Director–Have your say ! VMware have recently announced a survey on the PowerCLI site, this has been setup to poll people for what they think would be the best way to introduce cmdlets for vCloud Director, personally I think it’s a great move and proves that VMware really does listen to their customers opinions. Their questions not only ask how you would like the vCloud cmdlets distributed but also if you would prefer common objects like VMs and Users to be new cmdlets based towards vCloud director or to add these as additional parameters to the existing cmdlets. Personally when answering these questions I have to remind myself of a few things and ask myself a few questions: vCloud Org users or tenants are going to be interested in different things than a vSphere admin, for example, does a tenant care about the details of the datastore […]

vCloud Ecosystem components explained
During VMworld Chris Colotti and I presented quite a few group discussions on VMware vCloud. During these discussions some people were amazed to find out how many components/products are involved in making up the vCloud environment. When planning on building a VMware vCloud, you are not just installing vCloud Director and pointing it to vSphere, you are designing/building a whole Ecosystem. The list below shows which components are used in building a full vCloud environment. They are listed in order of priority. vSphere ESXi vCenter vCloud Director vShield Manager vCenter Chargeback Vcenter Update Manager vCenter Orchestrator vCloud Service Manager vCloud Connector So why are these components important? When designing a vCloud environment, you need to take into consideration the availability of certain components, like vCenter for example. This is no longer a management tool that is used to manage your virtual infrastructure. This is a critical component of your vCloud […]

Cannot add groups to vCD after configuring LDAP
I discovered today building a new vCD 1.5 home lab, that once you configure the System LDAP, you dont have the option to add any LDAP groups. This confused me, it was possible to do this in 1.0.x. Why isn’t it available in 1.5? What I discovered is that the GUI is still configured for non LDAP authentication. Once you have configured LDAP and started the synchronization log out of the vCloud Director GUI and back in. You will then see that groups is listed under the administration tab. The GUI needs to update its configuration options. Simple solution, but still confusing until you realise.
How-To: Re-install VMware vCloud Director
A few of my colleagues have been working on this recently, and the process has been released on some of the communities forums. I thought I would share this process to help people re-build there dev environments and labs. This process documents how to wipe and re-install vCD, with the same version number. 1. Export vApp Templates and any other vApps that are required in the re-built environment from the existing environment. 2. Remove the VMware vCloud Director Configuration Components such as Virtual Datacenters, Organizations, vApps, VMs, Networks Pools and so on– manually. 3. Cleanup the External Networks. 4. Verify that all organization / vApp network portgroups are removed from the vSwitches/dvSwitches. You will still need the portgroups provisioned for the External Networks. 5. Cleanup all the Resource group datastores. 6. Unprepare the ESX/ESXi Hosts from the VMware vCloud Director web console. 7. Verify on the ESX/ESXi Hosts that the […]