Changing the IP address of a vCloud Director cell

Working on a solution with Chris Colotti and other colleagues, we came across a KB article that details how to change the IP address on a vCD cell.

I had never thought about this previously, having never changed an IP address of a cell.  When you build your vCD cells, you bind specific services to IP addresses. You need to make the database aware of these changes once you have re-ip’d the operating system. This KB Article explains the full procedure on how to do this.

These are the steps how to reconfigure the vCD database from the KB article above:

o change the IP address of an installed vCloud Director server:
  1. Ensure to shutdown all the cells.To shutdown a cell, run this command from within the Red Hat system which is hosting the vCloud Director software:service vmware-vcd stop
  2. Change the column value of PRIMARY_IP in the CELLS table to the new primary IP.
    1. In the DB machine, run this command from the command prompt:sqlplus vcloud-db-user/vcloud-db-user-password
    2. Execute these SQL statements:
      1. select name from cells;Note: This returns a list of all the cells in the cluster.
      2. update cells set primary_ip='<new-cell-primary-ip>’ where name='<name-of-the-cell>’;Where <new-cell-primary-ip> is the new primary IP of the vCloud Director server and <name-of-the-cell> is the name of the cell from Step i.
      3. commit;
  3. From within the Red Hat system which is hosting the vCloud Director software, navigate into the $VCLOUD_HOME/etcdirectory using the cd command and change these values in the file:
    • vcloud.cell.ip.primary – Change it to the new primary IP address
    • – Change it to the new console proxy IP address
    • vcloud.cell.ips – Change both the IPs in this field appropriately
  4. Restart the cells.To restart a cell, run this command:service vmware-vcd start
Note: If the SSL certificates that the vCloud Director environment uses were configured using IP addresses instead of domain names and the IP address of the vCloud Director server is changed as per the above instructions, then these SSL certificates may also need to be updated. For additional information, see Generating SSL certificates for VMware vCloud Director

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