I got a question earlier about how to find out which database server vCloud Director is using. To do this follow the steps below: Connect to the vCD cell using SSH Navigate to /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/etc cat global.properties You will see an output similar as this: # Database connection settings database.jdbcUrl = jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;socketTimeout=90;instance=SQLExpress database.username = vcd database.password = dSLuRFq1fqHaADwT298j5aTy1GUfJxualYQSZv2Oa2xjR4b869x47Ihp1XAZj4cB The IP address highlighted in bold is the IP address or FQDN of the configured database server
Tag Archives | ip address
Changing the IP address of a vCloud Director cell
Working on a solution with Chris Colotti and other colleagues, we came across a KB article that details how to change the IP address on a vCD cell. I had never thought about this previously, having never changed an IP address of a cell. When you build your vCD cells, you bind specific services to IP addresses. You need to make the database aware of these changes once you have re-ip’d the operating system. This KB Article explains the full procedure on how to do this. These are the steps how to reconfigure the vCD database from the KB article above: o change the IP address of an installed vCloud Director server: Ensure to shutdown all the cells.To shutdown a cell, run this command from within the Red Hat system which is hosting the vCloud Director software:service vmware-vcd stop Change the column value of PRIMARY_IP in the CELLS table to the […]