This is part 4 of the vCloud Director 101 posts I have recently been writing. This article covers the vCloud Director Networking concepts and how they fit together. You can read the previous posts by clicking here. To understand some of the terms contained within this post, you need to read the first post that discuses the terms “consumers” and “providers”. We will be using these terms regularly throughout this article. vCloud Director network layers We will start by discussing the three different networking layers. These are: External Networks Organization Networks vApp Networks These networks are managed at two different layers: Consumers and Providers. External Networks and Organization Networks are created and managed by the Cloud Admins or Providers, where as vApp Networks are created and managed by the users or consumers of vCloud Director. So what is an External Network? A Network that is external to VMware vCloud Director […]
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VMware vCloud Director 101 – Concepts – Allocation Models – Part 3
This is part 3 of the VMware vCloud Director 101 blog posts I am writing. Part 1 I explained some of the basic principles of vCloud director, and Part 2 covers the Virtual Data Center concepts. Within Part 3 and Part 4 we are going to discuss some more of the concepts and constructs within vCloud Director. As with Part 2 this may cover some of the definitions you may already have heard of, like Reservation Pool or Pay-as-you-Go allocation models. Part 4 will then discuss vCloud Director Networking concepts. So lets jump straight in and start discussing Allocation Models. What are Allocation Models? Listed below is the definitions and usage of Allocation Models: Definition Allocation Models define how resources are allocated to an organisation. Allocation is actually the creation of a child resource pool to the provider vDC object (cluster or resource) in vSphere. Usage Allocation Models are chosen […]
VMware vCloud Director 101 – Concepts – Part 2
This is part 2 of the VMware vCloud Director 101 blog posts I am writing. In Part 1 I explained some of the basic principles of vCloud director, this can be read by clicking here. Within Part 2 and Part 3 we are going to discuss the concepts and constructs within vCloud Director. This will cover definitions you may already have heard of, like Virtual Data Centers (vDCs) or Allocation Models. Part 3 will discuss vCloud Director Allocation Models, and then Part 4 will talk about Networking Concepts. (These really do need articles all by themselves). What is a vCloud? vCloud Director itself does not constitute a vCloud. A vCloud is made up of a number of components including vCloud Director. I have written a number of articles in the past discussing the vCloud Eco-System and its components and how they fit together from a design and integration perspective. For the […]
VMware vCloud Director 101 – Overview – Part 1
Quite a few people have been asking me to write this article for a while. vCloud Director has been around a while now, but it appears that it is only now gathering momentum and it is being looked at seriously. This multi-part article will cover all the basic concepts of vCloud Director and what the different terminology means. First of all, lets talk about what VMware vCloud Directors actual purpose is: A quote from the VMware vCloud Director page on explains: Manage resources more efficiently by logically pooling infrastructure capacity into policy-based virtual datacenters. VMware vCloud Director integrates with existing VMware vSphere deployments and extends capabilities like Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) and vNetwork Distributed Switch, to provide elastic compute, storage and networking interfaces across multiple clusters. Using virtual datacenters built on top of vSphere, VMware vCloud Director enable resources to be provisioned without the need for repeated configuration or significant maintenance. The […]
VMware vCloud Availability – Looking for more information
Recently I have been receiving a number of requests from Service Providers looking for more information on VMware vCloud Availability. This is a short list of reference materials that will help direct people. VMware vCloud Availability Documentation VMware vCloud Availability FAQ Q. What is VMware vCloud Availability for vCloud Director? A. VMware vCloud® Availability for vCloud Director® enables vCloud AirTM Network service providers to o er simple, cost-e ective cloud-based disaster recovery and migration services that seamlessly support their customers’ vSphere® environments. This solution is designed expressly for VMware service providers to be easy to operate and to integrate with their existing VMware cloud environments. Only service providers in the vCloud Air Network can purchase this solution from VMware; Enterprise customers must consume this o ering from a vCloud Air Network service provider who is o ering this service from their cloud. VMware vCloud Availability Homepage VMware vCloud Availability Documentation […]