Frank Denneman wrote a great article “Whiteboard desk” demonstrating his whiteboard desk, and frankly I think it is awesome! Once I have established where I am going to live next, I will also be purchasing an Ikea kitchen worktop. Frank has asked in his article that people share there workspace/areas with him, so I thought I would certainly partake in this. The pictures below show my “home office” and while it is certainly not minimalistic like Franks, it serves me well, and also doubles as my “Man Cave” aka the place I hide away from my wife when she is on a cleaning/mad mission in the house.
Lets start with the important work area:
It has everything I need, a nice 21″ Monitor, my iPad and iPhone Docks. A 17″ monitor connected to my home lab equipment, and my new shiny Mac Book Air to the left of me. My favourite item is my executive chair, it is soft sumptuous leather that reclines nicely to sleep in when your wife has kicked you out of the bedroom. I have to the right of me the ESXi 5.0 Reference guide and my Las Vegas calendar. One of my favourite pieces about my man cave is my framed Middlesbrough FC shirt with my name on it. I played in a charity match for Football Aid at the Riverside stadium a few years ago and this is the memorabilia from that day, with the framed photo’s next to it. Awesome day, awesome reminder.
Lets move on to the all important WHITEBOARD
I do wish my wall could take a 6ft x 3ft white board like Frank managed to load on to his, but I have settled with a small one. It does the job… JUST… Below it I have the VMware Management with PowerCLI 5.0 reference poster that Alan Renouf gave to me. This again is very very handy. I also like to show off my VMware certificates, which are mounted on the wall along with all the passes I have collected from the conferences I have attended. You can see by this photo, I am not one for the minimalist approach 🙂
Now to my favourite parts of my office.
This to me is my prize collection of Red Wine which is housed in the wine cooler to the left of this photo, and sitting on top is my mahogany cigar humidor (currently needing me to travel to to Cuba). Now to some this is probably a waste of space, but to me these are fabulous items to have in your home office/man cave. I keep a constant supply of wine in the cooler, and twice a year fill the cigar humidor with Romeo Julietta Cedro Number 2’s.
The final picture
I also have a small fridge in my home office which is stocked with cans of Coke Zero and bottles of Water. This allows me to work seamlessly and without interruption throughout the day without having to leave the comfort of my executive chair. Also take note of the Dr Who Dalek guarding the fridge and wine cooler. If anyone attempts to steal my wine they will be EXTERMINATED.
Hope you enjoy this jovial look into my home office.
Excellent choice of cigars — I am a fan of the Cedro Deluxe #2 as well.
Maybe they don’t have this over in Europe… but you can paint any surface to be dry-erase. It works great too. I painted one in my office, and one in my daughters BR.
Great home office…