Frank Denneman wrote a great article “Whiteboard desk” demonstrating his whiteboard desk, and frankly I think it is awesome! Once I have established where I am going to live next, I will also be purchasing an Ikea kitchen worktop. Frank has asked in his article that people share there workspace/areas with him, so I thought I would certainly partake in this. The pictures below show my “home office” and while it is certainly not minimalistic like Franks, it serves me well, and also doubles as my “Man Cave” aka the place I hide away from my wife when she is on a cleaning/mad mission in the house. Lets start with the important work area: It has everything I need, a nice 21″ Monitor, my iPad and iPhone Docks. A 17″ monitor connected to my home lab equipment, and my new shiny Mac Book Air to the left of me. My favourite […]