I have been playing around today looking up the MoRef’s within vCenter to match up with the ones being shown within the vCloud Director logs. The kb article below shows how to look up the MoRef’s in vCenter. This is a really handy way of finding out which VM is referred to from another product.
The easiest way to lookup the MoRef is to open your browser and point to:
Extract from the KB article:
This article provides information about looking up a Managed Object Reference (MoRef) in vCenter Server. This helps you determine which virtual machine, host, or datastore a product is referring to in its log bundle.
For example, a virtual machine is denoted by vm-xxxx in the VMware Site Recovery Manager logs or the vpxa logs on an ESX host.
KB article :: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1017126
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