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vSphere beta

Want to participate in VMware vSphere beta? Now is your chance

For the first time, VMware has opened up the vSphere beta to the public.  This is really cool.  Although this is not an actual public beta, VMware wants to get as many members of the public involved to actually try the product and provide feedback. VMware vSphere beta This vSphere Beta will showcase some of the latest features included within vSphere and give you the opportunity to try them out. How to Join the Beta  Navigate to and click “JOIN NOW!” button. Log in with your My VMware account.  (Please register for an account if you don’t have one). Once you have an account and are logged in, please accept the Master Software Beta Test Agreement (MSBTA) and Program Rules screens if you have not already done so in the past. After doing this you should be in the vSphere Beta 2 community. Join Today: VMware vSphere Beta Landing Page […]

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four years at vmware

Celebrating four years at VMware

Wow! What can I say?  Its four years at VMware this month! I cant quite believe how quickly its gone by.  I received the email saying that my VASA cubes will be delivered shortly! How awesome is that, a company that honours your four and eight years with some really nice glass art. To read more about the VASA Cubes and how Diane Green got the idea,click here. During my four years at VMware, my life has changed quite significantly.  Both personally and professionally.  From a personal perspective, I have got married, had a child, moved from the UK to California, then had another child (the first Hill to be born outside of the UK).  Phew! What a crazy few years that has all been!  I need a break from the family craziness now and lets escape into the tranquility of my daily work… (Tranquil? Yeah right lol) Highlights of […]

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vExpert 2014

vExpert 2014 status announced

The people being awarded vExpert 2014 status have been released today. On April 1st of all days! I have now been awarded vExpert status for three years in a row, and every year I always feel very accomplished when I see my name on the list. People I have known well have dropped off, and it is with great pleasure and honour that I received this status. Anyway, thanks to the judges who decide. Awarding to 754 people must be a tough job to judge, so thanks for including me for another year. To view the full list of people who have been awarded the status, click here.

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VMware SDDC Architects Group

VMware SDDC Architects Group

During VMworld VMware launched a Software Defined Data Center community, where architects could go for a few drinks and discuss all things SDDC.  This was a really cool idea, and allowed people to ask questions about the content they had seen during the course of VMworld.  Now that VMworld is over, people have been asking “where do we go for more information?  Who can we bounce ideas off?  Who can we speak too?”  The answer is: VMware SDDC Architects Group VMware has recently launched a LinkedIN group titled “VMware SDDC Architects” where everyone who is interested in SDDC Architecture can go for discussions and further information.  The description of the LinkedIN group: Having pioneered the technology behind the Software-Defined Data Center, VMware is now helping support technical architects who have led its adoption. Apply to this private discussion group to join discussions, share insights, and help shape the data center […]

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UK National VMUG

UK National VMUG – Call for Papers

Simon Gallagher, one of the organisers of the UK VMUG sent an email out today asking for people to considering submitting “papers” for the UK National VMUG. Personally I think this is a great idea. I have enjoyed my trips to the UK VMUG and found the caliber of people at these events to be of the highest grade, with the sessions being as good as what you find at VMworld. This is a summary of Simon’s email: Hello friend of LonVMUG..(!), We (the LonVMUG committee) are putting together plans for the national UK VMUG on November 21st in Solihull, Brum (National Motorcycle museum). As you know I’m continually pushing for community content and ensuring that we as a VMUG provide the best community content of any VMUG, as well as excellent official VMware and sponsor content, as such I’ve opened up the community ‘call for papers’ for this event. […]

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