UK National VMUG – Call for Papers

Simon Gallagher, one of the organisers of the UK VMUG sent an email out today asking for people to considering submitting “papers” for the UK National VMUG. Personally I think this is a great idea. I have enjoyed my trips to the UK VMUG and found the caliber of people at these events to be of the highest grade, with the sessions being as good as what you find at VMworld.

This is a summary of Simon’s email:

Hello friend of LonVMUG..(!),

We (the LonVMUG committee) are putting together plans for the national UK VMUG on November 21st in Solihull, Brum (National Motorcycle museum).

As you know I’m continually pushing for community content and ensuring that we as a VMUG provide the best community content of any VMUG, as well as excellent official VMware and sponsor content, as such I’ve opened up the community ‘call for papers’ for this event.

I’m particularly keen to encourage people that have braved the gauntlet of submitting VMworld sessions in the past or if you’re braving SDN, automation or hybrid-cloud topics in the real world, they’re always of interest to VMUGgers and I can see they are hot-topics this year.

It doesn’t have to be a formal powerpoint type presentation (although those are obviously welcome), we’re open to all ideas and levels of interactivity.

We should be able to repeat the community mezzanine area as we did last year so I hope to have space for lots of different sessions, topics and formats and concurrent community tracks.

I would highly recommend anybody working out in the field to submit a session, I always find it interesting to hear what issues people have overcome out in the real customer world.  This is your opportunity to tell your virtualisation stories to the world… (or at least some of the UK anyway)

If you want to submit a session click here It will be well worth it.  I would definitely be submitting a session if I was still based in the UK.

UK National VMUG


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