vExpert access to vCloud Air

vExpert vCloud Air

Have you just been awarded vExpert 2014 status?  Want to try vCloud Air for 30 days?  If so, then you can now.  Chris Colotti and Jeramiah Dooley have setup a process and plan to get vExpert’s free access on a rolling 30 days basis.  Pretty cool or what?

For more information on the process and to sign up for this free access, here is a list of required links.  Please read the extensive program guide for full information.

I think this is a really great way to try some cloud resources for free.  As a vExpert myself, I know I always appreciate new stuff I can experiment with, to see how it could potentially improve the infrastructure and designs I build.  This is a great way to do this.

As mentioned on Chris’s site, there is a few caveats to this.

Firstly, no other services will be provided, so things like Disaster Recovery, or Data Protection will not be available for testing.  This is purely just the IaaS offering, allowing you test and play with it as you see fit.  Secondly, due to role based access control, vCAC wont work with this particular virtual private cloud.  vCAC requires a number of administrator privileges, which we are not giving out to users of this cloud.  However, other API based tools will work, so get registered and start trying the vCloud PowerCLI CMD-Lets (Alan Renouf will be happy).

Finally, please don’t come to Chris, Jeramiah, myself or anybody else in vCHS for help.  This is purely a cloud for you guys to play with, so we wont be offering any assistance.  You break it… You fix it!  Just as I like it to be honest.  All vExperts love tinkering so go away and tinker.


vExpert vCloud Hybrid Service


5 Responses to vExpert access to vCloud Air

  1. Brian Graf May 5, 2014 at 3:05 pm #

    Awesome Dave,
    Thanks for the post!


  1. vCloud Hybrid Service launches two new offerings | David Hill - May 6, 2014

    […] awarded vExpert 2014 status, you can sign up for a 30 day free trial of vCloud Hybrid Service.  Click here to read the article and find out more […]

  2. Newsletter: May 10, 2014 | Notes from MWhite - May 10, 2014

    […] vExpert 2014 NFR and VIP License Programs Here is a link to the updated list of perks for being a vExpert.  Very much appreciated – I use and love Pluralsight, and I would love to use PernixData if I had time.  I hope to use SolarWinds in the near future.  Find out more about the vCHS perk in this. […]

  3. Not For Resale (NFR) Licenses for VMware Professionals - T.B.D. - June 28, 2014

    […] vCloud Hybrid Service (30-days) […]

  4. Not For Resale (NFR) Licenses for VMware Professionals - T.B.D. - August 25, 2015

    […] vCloud Hybrid Service(30-days) […]

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