FREE Kindle Version 4.1 HA/DRS and 5.0 Clustering Deep dive books

Today I found out that you can now get FREE (yes I said FREE) Kindle version of the popular vSphere 4.1 HA/DRS and 5.0 Clustering Deep dive books.

I guess most people have already heard of Duncan Epping and Frank Denneman, but if you have been hiding in a cupboard somewhere for a number of years, these guys have written a number of books on the vSphere and provide some of the best design guidelines the world has ever seen.

While the products have now been out for a while, these books are still invaluable for anyone working in an environment that still uses vSphere 4.1 or 5.0 (I know there are lots still out their). These books provide a very handy reference guide where you can quickly flick to the chapter covering the subject you need, or as I have done in the past, a very nice overall read cover to cover. Now it is Free, why would you not get it?

Here is a video I found on youtube where Duncan and Frank are being interviewed.

As I said before, this book is now FREE, so download your copies today. &


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