vCloud Disaster Recovery

Its finally out there for the public to consume.  As a lot of people will probably already know, a team of us in VMware have been working on putting together a vCloud infrastructure Disaster Recovery solution.  Duncan Epping and Chris Colotti have wrote a blog article covering the whole aspect of the solution which can be viewed by clicking here

The solution involves using VMware Site Recovery Manager to fail over the vCloud Management Cluster VMs as per the VMware vCloud Architecture Tool kit reference architecture.

The diagram below demonstrates a high level overview of the solution:

In essence, what happens is all the VMs running under the Management Cluster vCenter are all failed over to the secondary site using SRM, then utilising storage replication at the Resource cluster layer, all the vCloud workloads are also protected outside of SRM protection. This solution can be used to not only protect your vCloud Director cells and subsequent workloads, but also the whole vCloud Eco-system components, for example Chargeback and vCenter Orchestrator. See related blog articles: vCloud Ecosystem components explained and vCloud Ecosystem components explained part 2

As detailed above the full solution architecture can be viewed by reading the vCloud blog article.

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