P2V and Disk Alignment

There were some questions asked the other day regarding using VMware Convertor and whether it performs a disk alignment when performing a P2V.

The answer is NO. VMware Convertor doesn’t do any disk alignment. You will need to carry out the alignment manually afterwards.

I have listed some good links covering disk alignment and how to perform this task.




2 Responses to P2V and Disk Alignment

  1. Dave Convery January 15, 2011 at 3:40 pm #

    One other great resource that Steve Chambers and I worked on about this -> http://communities.vmware.com/docs/DOC-11458



  1. Tweets that mention P2V and Disk Alignment : virtual-blog -- Topsy.com - January 15, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by VMware Planet V12n, David Hill. David Hill said: New Article :: P2V and Disk Alignment :: https://www.davidhill.co/2011/01/p2v-and-disk-alignment/ […]

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