I dont normally re-post video’s on my blog site without any corresponding article, but I am currently working on the VMware vCloud Networking and Security 5.1 product, and found this really helpful video on how to configure Logical networks using VXLAN. This is really useful and well worth a watch if you are configuring VXLAN. Duncan Epping over at Yellow-Bricks has also written a really helpful guide on how to configure VXLAN.
Tag Archives | configuration
How to find out which database server is configured for vCloud Director
I got a question earlier about how to find out which database server vCloud Director is using. To do this follow the steps below: Connect to the vCD cell using SSH Navigate to /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/etc cat global.properties You will see an output similar as this: # Database connection settings database.jdbcUrl = jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;socketTimeout=90;instance=SQLExpress database.username = vcd database.password = dSLuRFq1fqHaADwT298j5aTy1GUfJxualYQSZv2Oa2xjR4b869x47Ihp1XAZj4cB The IP address highlighted in bold is the IP address or FQDN of the configured database server