A nice selection of tools that help administrators and consultants perform daily management and deployment tasks.
Veeam Monitor – Free Monitoring for your Free ESXi
Veeam FastSCP – FastSCP provides a fast, secure and easy way to manage files and bulk copy VMs across your VMware ESX environment
Veeam RootAccess for ESX – Veeam RootAccess Wizard helps you enable or disable remote root access
SVvmotion – SVMotion is a VMware Infrastructure (VI) client plug-in that extends the client’s functionality by providing an integrated, graphical tool that can be used to invoke storage VMotion (SVMotion) operations
Putty – PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Windows and Unix platforms
Putty Connection Manager – A Tabbed version of Putty
Notepad ++ – Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages
WinSCP – Open source freeware SFTP, FTP and SCP client for Windows
vSphere Client RDP Plug-in – The Xtravirt vSphere RDP Plug-in provides integration of the Windows Remote Desktop tool with the VMware vSphere Client
RV Tools – RVTools is a windows .NET 2.0 application which uses the VI SDK to display information about your virtual machines and ESX hosts. Interacting with VirtualCenter 2.5, ESX 3.5, ESX3i, ESX4i and vSphere 4 RVTools is able to list information about cpu, memory, disks, nics, cd-rom, floppy drives, snapshots, VMware tools, ESX hosts, nics, datastores, service console, VM Kernel, switches, ports and health checks.