Error 1063 vSphere Web Client

I have recently been upgrading all our lab to vSphere 6.0 and have come across an interesting error everytime I login to the vSphere Web Client.

Error 1063 vSphere Web Client

The error is “An internal error has occured – Error #1063”.

error 1063 vsphere web clientI actually migrated my previous version of vCenter 5.5 to vCenter 6.0 using the inbuilt upgrade.  This actually deploys a new vCenter Server Appliance with version 6.0 and migrates all the information from the previous appliance, including all the plugins.

I would receive this error everytime I tried to click the Actions menu on any object.  Didn’t matter whether it was a host or a VM, this error always popped up.  Clicking yes never solved it, I couldn’t do anything.

Then I started thinking about the upgrade.  I wonder if a plugin that was installed on the previous 5.5 version had been migrated across and was causing a conflict.
I checked the installed and enabled plugins.  This is really easy to do:

  1. From Home, Select Administration
  2. Under Solutions, Select Client-Plug-Ins error 1063 vsphere web client
  3. In the Client Plug-ins window check for any plugins that might be causing an issue.error 1063 vsphere web client
  4. Select the plugin, right click and select Disable.error 1063 vsphere web client
  5. Click Yes to disable the selected plug-inerror 1063 vsphere web client
  6. Click OK to re-load the vSphere Web Clienterror 1063 vsphere web client

That it, once re-loaded you should not experience the error any more.

It appears that in my case, the old version of the VMware vCenter Operations plugin was causing an issue, so by disabling this plugin my vSphere web client is now running perfectly.



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2 Responses to Error 1063 vSphere Web Client

  1. nanny April 26, 2016 at 8:29 am #

    Super solution. Now my vcenter web client workine fine.


  1. Error #1009 vSphere Web Client - - June 5, 2015

    […] have been having some issues with plugins while working in my lab.  I recently wrote this article “Error 1063 vSphere Web Client” which documents how to disable selected plugins.  This fixed worked for a little while, but […]

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