Author Archive | David Hill

Automate adding your AWS EC2 instances to your backup policies

Automate adding your AWS EC2 instances to your backup policies

One of the cool use features in N2WS Backup and Recovery is the ability to automate adding your EC2 instances to your backup policies. By leveraging tags this allows you to launch EC2 instances and assign them specific tags and never worry about those instances being protected. This works across AWS accounts too. Whats makes this even easier is when your using something like cloud formation to deploy anything in EC2 you can just have these tags propagated immediately. Lets take a quick look at how we do this. First we need to make sure that N2WS Backup and Recovery is configured for tag scanning.  This is really simple.  Go to General Settings Locate Tag Scan and turn Scan Resources to Enabled You can specify how long the scan interval is.  Default is 6 hours. Once you have this configured, you need to define the tags in EC2.  How this […]

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Automate adding your AWS EC2 instances to your backup policies

Veeam N2WS Backup & Recovery 2.5 generally available

Recently N2WS and Veeam released the latest version of N2WS Backup and Recovery providing native AWS backups and disaster recovery.  This is an exciting release, and has some great new capabilities to provide in-depth control of the AWS EC2 and RDS resources being used by customers running multiple workload types in Amazon AWS. N2WS Backup & Recovery 2.5 GA Some key features of this release include: N2WS Resource Control  – the lightswitch for your AWS environment: Start/Stop/Hibernate idle Amazon EC2 and RDS instance groups on-demand or automatically S3 Cost reduction and improved performance Enhanced S3 Copy logging Added new region – Stockholm + New GovCloud (including cross-region DR!) Expanded range of APIs allowing you to configure alerts and recovery targets ALL available APIs via the CLI With the new feature of resource control, users can now create groups of EC2 instances and RDS instances and specify power on, power off times throughout the […]

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Automate adding your AWS EC2 instances to your backup policies

Disaster Recovery across regions in AWS

Last week I wrote an article on how Veeam Cloud Protection Manager can be used to protect your instances in AWS.  This week I want to look at how you can use Cloud Protection Manager for Disaster Recovery across regions in AWS. With Cloud Protection Manager, you also have the ability to replicate and failover your instances across regions in AWS.  Why would you do this?  Not only are you protecting your instances with managed backups in the same region, you can also provide business continuity in the event of a region failure within AWS.  With Cloud Protection Manager, you also have the ability to protect workloads across multiple AWS accounts to replicate across regions.  This makes it even harder for a “Codespaces” type disaster to ever happen again.  AWS gives great guidance on when to use multiple accounts for security boundaries. So how do we setup workloads in Cloud Protection […]

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