VMworld Barcelona 2014 Schedule

VMworld Barcelona 2014

I am putting the final touches to my presentations for VMworld Barcelona 2014.  Its an exciting time, and I am looking forward to presenting these sessions again.  They scored really well in the US, so I hope that they will be great, valuable and informative sessions for everyone.

Session Number Session Title Abstract Date / Time
HBC1533 How to build a Hybrid Cloud – Steps to Extend your Datacenter This session will help attendees understand the various steps to build and extended datacenter to vCloud Hybrid Service. Generally, speaking customers find it easier to view the vCHS cloud as just another datacenter. However instead of being physical it is all software defined and available on demand. We will leverage examples and use cases from current customers, as well as, review a specific setup the vCHS Technical Marketing team has built in a “Customer” Lab. We will also explore the networking specifics, considerations, and other options to truly build a hybrid cloud. Tuesday 14:00Hall 8.0Room 25
HBC1534 Recovery as a Service (RaaS) with vCloud Air Since the release of vCloud Hybrid Service to support infrastructure as a service, there has also been two key additions that support one of the most popular use cases, known as Recover as a Service. In this session we will discuss Disaster Recovery to Cloud 1.0 and Data Protection 2.0, both of which support various recovery use cases. The session will show how this use case of cloud based recovery can be achieved through these two services for different use cases. We will explore the use cases for both in depth and provide examples of the service’s ease of use through live demonstrations of both products within a real environment. Tuesday 17:00Hall 8.0Room 25
HBC2066 Architect the Hybrid Cloud for Microsoft Exchange Enterprises globally are enthusiastically embracing hybrid cloud as both a way of reducing costs and improving the quality of service IT provides to its end customers. To achieve this, enterprises are looking to VMware vCloud Hybrid Service to help them deploy Microsoft Exchange in a hybrid cloud model. A participant in this session will leave with a deep technical understanding of how to leverage the hybrid cloud to gain benefits of geographic diversity and agile scaling for growth, while continuing to use the tools they have already invested in. This session is based on the case study of VMware’s internal IT organization deploying Microsoft Exchange in a hybrid cloud model Thursday 11:30Hall 8.0Room 25
HBC3335-GD Disaster Recover and Cloud Networking Group Discussion Come and have a group discussion about vCloud Air Disaster Recovery and Cloud Networking.  Could be something else cloudy you want to discuss?  Come along… We will discuss it Tuesday 11:00Hall 8.0Room 30
MTE-07 Meet the Experts Come and have a 1:1 with me to discuss anything vCloud Air related Wednesday 11:00Hall 8.0Meet the Experts Lounge

I am really excited for this years VMworld.  I am particularly looking forward to the Group Discussions.  These are always interesting and I love the open format, where people can simply throw out ideas and discuss.

Please visit the Schedule builder if you haven’t already and sign up for some sessions now.

See you all on Sunday.


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