::::::::::: UPDATE :::::::::::
After writing this article, and exchanging a number of emails with Architecting the Enterprise, they have refunded the fee’s that were charged so I am no longer out of pocket.
This is a nice outcome, and I appreciate the customer service that they have now provided.
I will happily consider booking a course with them again
I don’t normally write articles discussing companies and the policies they have, (thats more Colotti’s area of expertise), however I feel very strongly about this and wanted to share my bad experience with people so that they don’t fall into the same trap.
Architecting the Enterprise – Beware
I have wanted to complete the TOGAF certification for quite some time, and finally got the opportunity to do this in June through VMware’s Professional Development program. Basically you pay for the course yourself and once completed VMware reimburse you. Nice.
After some searching I found Architecting the Enterprise had a course close by to where I live in California. The Professional Development program has no T&E budget, so it needs to be local. Great, off I went and booked the course. It was expensive but worth it. I was told after paying the invoice, that two weeks before I would receive the joining instructions for the course on 25th June.
On the 13th June I received the news that the course was cancelled. A big group of attendees had cancelled. This was actually very disappointing for me at such short notice, but these things happen, especially with training courses. The person who contacted me offered me another course in San Diego, but as mentioned I have no T&E budget so this was not an option. I was told I could have a refund. Perfect I thought, I will get the money back, and book another course when available, or go with someone else.
Out of pocket
After waiting three months for the refund to be processed, I finally got the refund. However, Architecting an Enterprise use Paypal for processing payments, and you pay the charges for Paypal processing those payments. No big deal, I am sure they will refund me the whole amount due to them cancelling the course. WRONG!! After receiving the refund it was $68.01 short of what I had paid. Not a huge amount of money, but disappointing nonetheless. I contacted Architecting an Enterprise and was told they would not refund the charges.
This kind of thing happens all the time, and frankly $68.01 is not going to ruin my life, however, I still haven’t done the course, and need to re-book with someone at some point. Imagine I re-book with Architecting an Enterprise for September for them to cancel the course again. Thats now $136.02 I am out of pocket. When would it end.
I will leave it up to you to decide if this is acceptable, but I personally don’t. I find it extremely disappointing that a company cancels at last minute, then leaves you out of pocket.
Anyway, thats it. Rant over.
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