Eating my own dog food – Blog Migration

I have now successfully migrated my blog site to a vCloud hosting provider, essentially Eating my own dog food. Practicing what I preach.

Virtacore are providing the hosting through there vCloud Express Public Cloud offering. They provide there own portal to interface with vCloud Director and I must say it is quite impressive.

The great side to now using a vCloud Express provider is that I now fully manage my own blog, from VM to OS to WordPress. This is great. If there is now an outage for maintenance I can only blame myself. For anyone who watched the Brownbag I did with Chris Colotti, you will probably be laughing at that statement.

How did I do the migration? I downloaded a Turnkey Linux WordPress appliance. I then customised this appliance, ensuring VMTools were up to date, creating plenty of disk space for my images etc. Once this was all configured, I exported my site using WordPress export feature. This exports all your posts in an XML file. I then imported this into my appliance, also making sure to enable the option to download all images. This took a while to copy all the images I have uploaded over the past two years.

Once complete, and I was happy with the state of my new WordPress appliance, I used VMware vCloud Connector to move this appliance from my local homelab cloud out to Virtacore’s Public Cloud. Chris Colotti has written a number of articles on how to use vCloud Connector with Public Cloud offerings, which are really beneficial in helping you set this up. Read these by clicking here

This is definitely a worthwhile task, and I am no longer restricted by ridiculous maintenance schedules of my hosting provider.

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3 Responses to Eating my own dog food – Blog Migration

  1. davehill January 28, 2012 at 11:20 pm #

    Test Comment

  2. davehill January 28, 2012 at 11:29 pm #

    Test Comment 2

  3. dog food February 5, 2012 at 7:43 am #

    Your pet’s overall health needs to be important to you. In addition, this might assist in saving you money by getting a lesser amount of those expensive v.eterinarian expenses

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