Tag Archives | upgrade

VMware vCloud Director Host vCDNI Statistics Utility

After reading a colleagues (Kamau Wanguhu) blog article on vCD Network Isolation today I found out about a tool included with the VMware vCloud Director agent installed on ESX/ESXi Hosts. This is a really easy way to look at configuration and statistics for vCD Network Isolation configured on that host. Kamau’s article tells us the following about the tool To get per host vCDNI statistics use: /opt/vmware/vslad/fence-util The utility can be used to display: Configured Networks and there MTU settings Acitve Ports and there port IDs Switch State including inside and outside MAC addresses Port Statistics on a port ID basis When running the command with no options, this provides the help for the utility: ~ # /opt/vmware/vslad/fence-util vsla-fence log at Thu Mar 24 09:09:54 2011 fence-util [options] command [arguments [arguments]] -h This help message. -v Turn on verbose mode -q Turn on quiet mode -r Reset statistics after executing […]

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HowTO: Enable Remote Syslog to VMware vCD cells after installation

Seen a few emails flying around the other day about how to add a remote Syslog server to the vCD cell once it has been installed. This has caught out a few people in the past couple of months. Follow the documentation and edit the syslog section in /opt/vmware/cloud-director/etc/responses.properties then re-run the configuration. Add your Syslog server to the audit.syslog.host line in /opt/vmware/cloud-director/etc/global.properties Restart the vCD Cell [service vmware-vcd restart] This will then configure vCD for using a remote syslog server. Please note: This is only required if you have an already installed or pre-configured vCD cell.  For all fresh installations follow the guidelines in the installation guide.

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Ephemeral Ports with VMware vCloud Director – To use or not to use?

An interesting topic came up the other day between some of us in the cloud team, regarding whether Ephemeral Ports should be continued to be used with vCD deployments. A colleague of mine Aidan Dalgleish (Senior Consultant, VMware TS Cloud Practice) kindly documented our discussions and wrote up the decisions.  He can be found on LinkedIn. Background The topic of Portgroup binding was discussed and Ephemeral binding was selected as the preferred option for vCD created Portgroups for some of the following reasons: *   Due to the dynamic nature of vCloud Director it is often difficult to define how many devices will be connected to a given Portgroup *   Easy to code as there is no requirement to monitor and dynamically adjust the number of ports configured on the Portgroup as with Static/Dynamic *   Very flexible due to their being no requirement to define a number of ports and hence […]

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VMware HCL version support

Last week a customer asked the question why the VMware HCL listed products that are certified with one version update but not the other. For example, the HCL shows HP BL620c G7 lists on ESXi4U2 but NOT ESXi4U1. The HCL Small Print: The detailed lists show actual vendor devices that are either physically tested or are similar to the devices tested by VMware or VMware partners. VMware provides support only for the devices that are listed in this document. What this translates to in the real world is that often the HCL exposes the time aspect of updating compatibility. If the server was released after a version of vSphere then it will not be listed for the previous versions, even though it may perform correctly.

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VCAP: Datacenter Design Exam Tips

After passing my VAP-DCD Exam this week, I thought it might be good to write some tips on what to expect. These are very high level, so as not to give away any in depth clues. The exam generally has a nice feel to it, with a mixture of multiple choice single answer and multiple answer questions, drag and drop questions and some diagram creation. One thing I would recommend is make sure you allow enough time to complete the diagrams. It is a long exam, but you will need all the time. Each diagram can take around 30 minutes depending on its scenario. Diagram creation – You need to understand the principals behind how to create diagrams. These are all part of every day design documents, and is critical you are able to create these on the fly. Consolidation Ratios – You need to be able to understand consolidation […]

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