I have been playing around with my home lab today, and trying to work out how to enable Elastic Virtual Data Centers within vCloud Director. First of all, what is an Elastic vDC you ask? An Elastic vDC allows you to add more resources to a Provider vDC when they become consumed/constrained. Why would you need to do this? Well first off this only works with the Pay-as-you-go Allocation model. Pay-as-you-go is exactly that, you have no idea as a provider on how many VMs will be deployed. Potentially there is the possibility that all your resources will be consumed, and your consumers will not be able to deploy any more workloads. This is where Elastic vDCs come in, you can add more resources to a PvDC on the fly. So how do we do it? Log in to vCD as a system admin Click the “Manage & Monitor” button […]