Yesterday vCloud Hybrid Service launched two new offerings and released them into the public cloud. This is of personal interest to me as I was the Tech Marketing lead for these two new releases. For me, being part of the team that is launching these offerings, and the rapid speed of delivery and growth within VMware’s vCloud Hybrid Service gives me great pleasure, and pride. Anyway, lets get on with the technical stuff. Standard Storage Tier First up is storage tiering. vCHS now offers two types of storage tier. SSD Accelerated and Standard. SSD-Accelerated is exactly that, an SSD-Accelerated tier, that uses SSD Caching to increase the performance. Standard storage is slightly different, it is just plain old spindle based storage without any SSD Acceleration, resulting in a lower performance. As The Register puts it “Plain old spinning rust”. For me, its an important part of cloud, offering multiple types of […]