Tag Archives | MAC OS X

OS X could not be installed on your computer

OS X could not be installed on your computer – El Capitan

Installing El Capiton on an old Mac Book Pro today, I received the error: OS X could not be installed on your computer No packages were eligible for install. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. Quit the installer to restart your computer and try again. I checked Apple’s support Matrix (it is a very old macbook pro) at https://support.apple.com/kb/SP728?locale=en_GB and it was listed as supported. After lots of Googling and investigation, I discovered that the date and time were not set to current, the macbook thought it was year 2000. You can easily reset the time and date by following the steps below: Click Utilities on the menu bar Select Terminal Type date Confirm the date is wrong Type date 062112422016 (example: June 21st 12:42 2016) Exit terminal Click Restart Once the Date and time are configured you will be able to install OS X. Easy fix, for a ridiculous […]

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Show Hidden files on Mac OS X in Finder

This has already been blogged quite a few times by people, however I regularly have to google how to Show hidden files on Mac OS every time I re-build my Mac or buy a new one. Thanks to OSXDaily for the original information. Show Hidden Files on Mac OS X Launch terminal defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder Make sure you restart the finder by doing the killall command. If you want to hide the files again, follow these instructions: defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE killall Finder Not much too it, just wish I could remember the command!

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