Archive | Microsoft

Microsoft TechEd Review

Microsoft TechEd Review – Day 2

Here we are on Day 2 on the Microsoft TechEd Review.  Its going quickly.  The days are long, but the learning never stops.  You can read my Day 1 initial review here. The first session of the day: Migrating effortlessly from VMware to Hyper-V (it wasn’t very effortless for sure) Now I don’t like to criticise people for presenting, standing up in front of people is one of the hardest things in the world, so this is not a criticism of the presenters.  However, the demo they tried to show did not work.  It failed on a simple part, and it really didn’t look that effortless to me.  However, how long has virtualisation been around, and this product is only just coming out?  Wow!  VMware convertor has been around since for ever.  This tool only allows you to move your VM’s offline.  The other part of this session was how […]

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Microsoft TechEd Review

Microsoft TechEd Review – Day 1

Lets begin with my Microsoft TechEd review.  This is day one.  I plan (time permitting) to write a quick review every day until the conference closes. Microsoft TechEd Review Lets begin by saying, this is the year for the Cloud Wars.  Amazon, Google, Microsoft, VMware.  Every conference by every vendor is talking about all new features GA’ing and new services being added on and price drops.  Its pretty awesome to watch if you are a consumer of cloud resources.  Pretty cool. Keynote Disclaimer: I wont really be covering the keynote, as most of it was about Microsoft Azure, and as most people know I work for VMware in the Hybrid Cloud Business Unit, and ultimately as Azure is a direct competitor to VMware vCHS I wont talk about the announcements they made.  I am sure anyone that interested can Google or as Microsoft would prefer BING to find out more.  I […]

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