Search results for "disaster recovery"

Automate adding your AWS EC2 instances to your backup policies

Disaster Recovery across regions in AWS

Last week I wrote an article on how Veeam Cloud Protection Manager can be used to protect your instances in AWS.  This week I want to look at how you can use Cloud Protection Manager for Disaster Recovery across regions in AWS. With Cloud Protection Manager, you also have the ability to replicate and failover your instances across regions in AWS.  Why would you do this?  Not only are you protecting your instances with managed backups in the same region, you can also provide business continuity in the event of a region failure within AWS.  With Cloud Protection Manager, you also have the ability to protect workloads across multiple AWS accounts to replicate across regions.  This makes it even harder for a “Codespaces” type disaster to ever happen again.  AWS gives great guidance on when to use multiple accounts for security boundaries. So how do we setup workloads in Cloud Protection […]

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vCloud Air Disaster Recovery

vCloud Air Disaster Recovery related articles

For around a year I have been working on the VMware vCloud Air Disaster Recovery offering, and have been giving a number of presentations, and writing articles about this topic. At a recent internal conference a number of people asked me if I could provide a list of all the recent articles I have written. Rather than keep sending emails with links, I thought it would make more sense to provide a list of links here so that I can refer back when needed. It may also help a few other people out in the blogosphere. In no particular order I have grouped these articles in two categories. 1st category is vSphere based Disaster Recovery, and the 2nd is Application based high availability. vSphere based Disaster Recovery Consideratons for Connecting to your recovered workloads While most of the talk around cloud-based disaster recovery is on how you protect your workloads, […]

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